Belt Promotions

Ninjas & Kickin Kids

Regular graduations are held for the kids programmes where students will demonstrate the skills they have learned for the stripes/badges they have earned over the past few months.

Graduations are held at MWBA with a live feed on our private group page for parents to view.  Students are presented with their new belt and certificate and move to the next grade in the programme.

Juniors & Seniors

Gradings are scheduled approximately every 3-4 months, however this does not mean that students will be eligible to promote as students are judged on individual performance not as part of a group.  It is inevitable that some students will find certain criteria more challenging than others and may progress more quicker as a result.  It Is important that each student should have their own journey and be aiming to improve at each step as it is not a race! 

Gradings are not only held to distinguish grade, but to improve the ability to deal with stress which is essential for character development.  To ensure test conditions, no spectators are permitted.

 Grading tests are held outside normal class hours with both Junior and Senior students present. 

 It is our wish that all students keep on track with attendance and progress through the grades.  We ask that all students make full use of the information made available as it is there to give our students the best opportunity in achieving blackbelt.

 The Martial Art belts

Degree Gradings

Degree Gradings are held annually for students from our regional group NTA (Northern Taekwon-Do Academies).  The NTA Degree Grading Panel is led by Grandmaster Wallace IX

Part 1 - Teaching
Candidates for 1st Degree must offer their time to contribute 24 hours of teaching and the number of hours will increase for degree grades.  Giving up time to help others on their journey is extremely important and essential to the future of the martial art.

Part 2 - Thesis/Essay
All candidates must submit a Thesis/Essay on a chosen subject depending on the grade.  This is another area where the student must dedicate time and give the examiners an insight into their journey to Blackbelt.

Part 3 - Theory Test
This exam varies dependent upon the degree sought and covers most subjects for technical questions, to the understanding of the "Do" in Tae Kwon-Do.  

Part 4 - Fitness
The Fitness test is a target based circuit which is practiced regularly.

Part 5 - Physical Exam
NTA Degree Tests are held once/twice per year with the NTA Panel of Examiners for students testing from 1st-6th Degree.  The Exam begins with a practice/warm-up session to ease the nerves.  Following this, candidates will perform their physical exam where all patterns will be performed, along with technical kicking sequences, free-sparring, step-sparring, self-defence sequences and power testing of hand and foot techniques.  Upon completion, candidates will receive their result. 

NTA Blackbelts are also in attendance to support the candidates during their exam.