When answering the question, “What do you expect your child to gain from the study of the Little Ninjas Programme?” the majority of parents indicate that they want their children to learn the values taught at the Academy - Self-control, concentration, respect, responsibility, self-discipline, and more.
Our Little Ninjas Programme is an age-specific curriculum that we have professionally designed to teach children important life skills in a fun, exciting and enriching manner. Your child will achieve more than just learning to kick and punch. Our programme will help improve your child’s basics motor skills, as well as your child’s positive mental attitude. Our teaching method is based on disguising martial arts skills into games and fun activities helping your child learn in an easy and exciting way.
8 main Life Skills taught in the Little Ninjas Programme: |
- Focus | - Memory | |
- Teamwork | - Discipline | |
- Control | - Fitness | |
- Balance | - Co-ordination | |
These skills are necessary for participation in any sport or activity. |
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Many of the same concepts you are teaching your child at home will be reinforced in the classroom. Topics such as good manners (which include keeping hands and feet to themselves), respect for one's self and others, following directions the first time and more are taught ! Progressing through the syllabusThe Little Ninja belt colours start from White through to White/Red Stripe with 7 belt colours in total. The Skill Stripe system allows the Little Ninja to have regular smaller assessments, which result in the awarding of a particular stripe/badge. Each Ninja grade has 8 skill stripes and they must collect all of these before advancement to the next level. |
Once all Skill Stripes and Merit Badge have been awarded, the Blackbelt Attitude Report will be issued. This must be completed by the Instructor, parents and school/nursery. This will complete the grade and the Ninja will be ready for Graduation to the next level. They will receive an invitation to attend and the graduation can be viewed by the parents via a live stream on our Online Academy.
Upon completion of our Little Ninjas Programme your child will
become focused and motivated to achieve any goal in life. |
This curriculum focuses on improving young children’s basic motor skills, as well as your child's positive mental skills.
Best of all, your child's class curriculum will also help them to see the value of teamwork, good manners and trying their best inside and outside the classroom.
They will become better listeners at school.
They will become better listeners at home.
They will become more ambitious towards the future.